打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 how are you doing和how do you do的区别 打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

#打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  “hello”和“how are you”是我们最开始学到的也是最常用的打招呼方式,很多同学问小编,还有没有其他的说法?以及,当有人和我们打招呼时,一般要怎样回答?


  Let’s learn how to use some other simple formal and informal English greetings, as well as fun slang expressions that people around the world use to greet each other.Whether you’re an ESL student or a English business professional, we’ve got you covered.

  17 Useful English Greetings for English Learners

  Common English Greetings and Expressions


  English-speaking people usually greet each other in an informal way, so you can use these common conversational greetings for friends, family, as well as people you meet in casual settings.


  1. Hey, Hey man, or Hi

  You can use “hey” and “hi” to greet someone instead of “hello”. Both are particularly popular among younger people.While “hi” is appropriate to use in any casual situation, “hey” is for people who have already met.If you say “hey” to a stranger, it might be confusing for that person because he or she will try to remember when you met before! You can also add “man” to the end of “hey” when greeting males. Some people also use “hey man” to casually greet younger women, but only do this if you know the woman very well. Remember that “hey” doesn’t always mean “hello”. “Hey” can also be used to call for someone’s attention.

  “hey” 和 “hi”都是年轻人喜欢用的打招呼方式,区别是“hi”可以用于和任何人任何非正式场合,而“hey”往往用于熟人或已经相识的人之间。如果你对一个陌生人说“hey”,他可能会很困惑,试图去想起你是谁。和男性打招呼的时候,我们可以说“hey man”,和女性打招呼时,如果不是非常要好的朋友,这样说可能会冒犯到对方。此外,“hey”除了用于打招呼,也可以用来引起某人注意。

  打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

  2. How’s it going? or How are you doing?

  These are casual ways of asking “how are you?” If you’re trying to be particularly polite, stick with “how are you?” but otherwise, you can use these expressions to greet almost anyone.The word “going” is usually shortened, so it sounds more like “go-in”.You can answer with “it’s going well” or “I’m doing well” depending on the question. Although it’s not grammatically correct, most people just answer “good” – and you can too. Like when responding to “how are you?” you can also follow your answer by asking “and you?”.

  这两种其实是“how are you”的非正式说法,如果不是想要表达得很有礼貌,可以用这两句话来问候任何一个人。外国人一般会把“going”读作“go-in”。如果有人用这两句话来和你打招呼,我们可以顺着回答“it’s going well”或是“I’m doing well”,或者像外国人那样直接说一句“good”,回答完也可以加一句“and you?”来寒暄。

  3. What’s up?, What’s new?, or What’s going on?

  These are some other informal ways of asking “how are you?” which are typically used to casually greet someone you have met before. Most people answer with “nothing” or “not much”. Or, if it feels right to make small talk, you could also briefly describe anything new or interesting that’s going on in your life, before asking “what about you?” to continue the conversation.

  这些都是用于和已经认识的人打招呼,一般人会用“nothing” 或 “not much”来回答。如果想要和对方和对方聊一会,也可以简单地描述一下最近的趣事新鲜事来作答,最后加一句“what about you?”把对话进行下去。

  4. How’s everything ?, How are things?, or How’s life?

  These are some other common ways of asking “how are you?” They can be used to casually greet anyone, but most often they’re used to greet someone you already know. To these, you can answer “good” or “not bad”. Again, if small talk feels appropriate, you could also briefly share any interesting news about your life, and then ask the person “what about you?” or another greeting question.

  同样是用来和相识的人打招呼。回答的时候可以说 “good” 或 “not bad”。与上一条一样,你可以简短地描述近况,说完可以接一句 “what about you?” 或是其他问候,就不会显得尴尬。

  5. How’s your day? or How’s your day going?

  These questions mean “how are you?” not just right now, but how you’ve been all day.You would use these greetings later in the day and with someone you see regularly.For example, you might ask a co-worker one of these questions in the afternoon, or a cashier that you see at the grocery store every evening. “It’s going well” is the grammatically correct response, but many people simply answer with “fine”, “good” or “alright”. By the way, notice that “good”, “fine” or “not bad” are perfect answers to almost any greeting question.

  这两句问候的不是当下对方的感受,而是这一天过得怎么样。所以一般用在下午或晚间,和定期见面的人打招呼。比如下午和同事打招呼,或是每晚都会去的杂货店店员。回答时可以说“It’s going well”,但更多人会回答“fine”, “good” 或 “alright”。记住,“fine”, “good” 和 “alright”是万能的回答方式。

  6. Good to see you or Nice to see you

  These casual greetings are used with friends, co-workers or family members that you haven’t seen in a while. It’s common for close friends to hug when they greet each other, particularly if they haven’t seen each other in some time;so you might use this greeting along with a hug or handshake depending on your relationship with the person.


  7. Long time no see or It’s been a while

  These casual greetings are used when you haven’t seen someone in a long time, particularly if you meet that person unexpectedly.How much is a long time? It depends on how often you normally see that person. For example, you could use one of these greetings if you normally see the person every week, but then don’t see them for a few months or more. Usually, these phrases are followed with a question like “how are you”, “how have you been?” or “what’s new?”

  用于和许久没见的人打招呼,尤其是在不期而遇的情况下。许久没见是指多久?这就要取决于你们见面的频率。比如平时每周都会见面,但这次相隔了几个月或更久。一般说完这句还会接上“how are you”, “how have you been?” 或“what’s new?”来问候对方。

  打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

  Business Greetings and Formal Greetings


  It’s best to begin by using formal greetings in most business situations, and then listen to how your co-workers or business partners greet you.It’s a good idea to wait until someone speaks casually with you before you speak casually with them.You may find that people will begin to use casual greetings with you over time, as you get to know each other better. Formal greetings are also used when you meet older people.


  8. Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening

  These are formal ways of saying “hello”, which change depending on the time of day.Keep in mind that “good night” is only used to say “good bye”,so if you meet someone late in the day, remember to greet them with “good evening”, rather than “good night”. Good morning can be made more casual by simply saying “morning”. You can also use “afternoon” or “evening” as informal greetings, but these are less commonly used.

  这三句打招呼方式随具体时间而变化,记住“good night”只用在告别,等同于“good bye”,所以如果是在晚上遇见了某人,要说“good evening”而不是 “good night”。如果不是十分正式的场合,早上可以直接说“morning”。下午晚上也可以说“afternoon”和“evening”,但并不常见。

  9. It’s nice to meet you or Pleased to meet you

  These greetings are formal and polite. If you say this to someone when you meet him or her for the first time, it will make you seem courteous.Remember to only use these greetings the first time you meet someone.Next time you see the person you can show that you remember him or her by saying “it’s nice to see you again”.

  这两句是正式且有礼貌的说法。第一次见面时这样说可以显得很谦逊有礼。记住这只能用在第一次见面,再次见面时要说“it’s nice to see you again”,否则对方可能会觉得你没有记住他。

  10. How have you been?

  This greeting question is only asked by people who have already met. If someone asks you “how have you been?” they want to know if you have been well since the last time the two of you met.


  11. How do you do?

  This greeting is VERY formal, and quite uncommon, but it may still be used by some older people. The proper response is “I’m doing well” or, as strange as it seems, some people even ask “how do you do?” right back as an answer.

  这句说起来过于正式,所以并不常用,一些上了年纪的人还在使用。回答时可以说“I’m doing well”,有人也会回问“how do you do?”,虽然这听起来有点奇怪。

  打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

  Slang English Greetings


  Slang greetings are extremely informal, and should only be used with people that you know very well, and feel very comfortable with. Keep in mind that a lot of slang is regional, and using Australian slang, for example, in America can sound quite strange. You’ll need to learn the local slang wherever you are, but these common examples will help you get started.


  12. Yo!

  This extremely informal greeting is common in America. It comes from 1990’s hip-hop slang and these days it’s often used jokingly.This greeting should only be used with very close friends, and never in a business setting.


  13. Are you OK?, You alright?, or Alright mate?

  This casual way of asking both “hello” and “how are you” is common in Britain. You can respond “yeah, fine”, or simply “alright”.

  英国人常用的非正式问候,可以回答“yeah, fine”, 或是一句简单的 “alright”

  打招呼除了用Hello和How are you,还能怎么说?

  14. Howdy!

  This is a very informal abbreviation of “how do you do?” that is common in certain parts of Canada and the U.S. Keep in mind that if you say “howdy” outside of these regions, you will sound like a cowboy, and it might make the other person laugh.

  “how do you do?”的非正式缩写,在美国和加拿大部分地区较为常见,算是方言。如果你在这以外的地区说了这句话,听起来就很莽撞,会让人发笑,所以慎用。

  15. Sup? or Whazzup?

  These greetings are abbreviations of “what’s up?” which are common among teenagers. Like with “what’s up?” you can answer “nothing” or “not much”.

  Sup和Whazzup都是“what’s up”的缩略表达,年轻人中很常用,可以用“nothing” 和 “not much”来回答。

  16. G’day mate!

  This casual greeting is an Australian abbreviation of “good day”. Keep in mind that Australian greetings often use “ya” instead of “you”. So “how are ya?” is the same as “how are you?”, and “how are ya going?” is basically the same as “how’s it going?” or “how are you doing?”

  澳大利亚最常用的非正式打招呼用语,是“good day”的缩略表达。澳大利亚人打招呼时经常会用 “ya” 来替代 “you”,他们会把“how are you?”说成“how are ya?”;把“how are you doing?”说成“how are ya going?”

  17. Hiya!

  This greeting, short for “how are you?”, is commonly used in certain parts of England. However, you don’t need to actually answer this question – you can just say “hey!” right back.

  在英格兰的一些地区,人们会用Hiya来替代“how are you?”。如果有人这样和你打招呼,不用具体去回答什么,说一句“hey!”来回应就好。

  I hope you enjoy trying out these new English greetings. You’ll find that greeting people in different ways will help your English sound more natural, and it might even make English greetings more fun and interesting for you.








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